Great Torrington School

Great Torrington School


We are a fully inclusive, progressive school that welcomes pupils from all over North Devon and beyond.

We believe that every child has strengths and qualities that need to be nurtured for them to succeed academically and in life. Our ethos is to ensure that all pupils are able to make outstanding progress in their learning and personal development during their journey with us.

Our Mission Statement

All the staff at GTS want our pupils to: Have their DreamsBelieve in themselves and Achieve.

The core purpose of Great Torrington School is to create an inclusive community of successful learners. Our school community is built around a set of core values that shape our decisions and interactions.

  • Respect – To enable pupils to establish social and personal relationships based on respect, understanding and co-operation.
  • Relationships – To foster in our pupils an awareness to show tolerance and care towards others and develop the ability to create and sustain healthy relationships throughout their lives.
  • Resilience – To encourage resilience in our pupils, through challenge, support, opportunities, and guidance. Giving meaning and enjoyment to the pupils’ present learning experience and to encourage self-motivation, a passion for learning and the ability to adapt to change throughout life.
  • Health – To encourage all pupils to adopt a healthy lifestyle through the many activities offered at GTS.
  • Opportunity – To provide equal opportunities for development for all members of the school community that will develop their skills and personal qualities.
  • Responsibility – To prepare pupils to be responsible citizens within the community and to give them the flexibility and skills to meet the demands of a rapidly changing society.

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