
Simpler recycling information and webinar for Manufacturers

From 31st March 2025, workplaces (businesses and non-domestic premises) in England will need to recycle the following waste streams: plastic, metal, glass, paper and card, and food waste. 

Simpler Recycling in England for workplaces will enable consistency in the materials collected from businesses and relevant non-domestic premises (such as schools and hospitals). Local Authorities and other waste collectors will be able to co-collect some waste streams, retaining flexibility to make the best choices to suit local need. 

The policy statement paper, published in November 2024, confirms the final policy position on Simpler Recycling. A dedicated guidance page has been published to outline how this affects workplaces (businesses and non-domestic premises) and waste collectors collecting from these premises.

Webinar for Manufacturers: 13th March

This session will be led by Defra, partnered with Make UK, and includes presentations from WRAP, the Environment Agency andMartin Elliker, EHS Senior Learning Delivery Consultant, Make UK. There will then be an opportunity for Q&A. By the end of the session, you will have a clear understanding of the requirements and the steps you need to take to be ready for the implementation of Simpler Recycling.