The Shoreline Academy
Wave Multi Academy Trust delivers education to pupils across the South West.
We aim to:
- Provide a balanced and broad curriculum that promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
- Give access to the National Curriculum; provide opportunities for external accreditation, and, for those pupils with specific learning difficulties, effective and personalised programmes.
- Ensure all pupils are supported to develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others. Promoting emotional well-being and self-esteem; helping our pupils to recognise their potential and work positively within their community. We will respect all pupils and encourage them to become active participants in their own learning, develop confidence, independence, self-esteem and express their needs and desires.
- Seek effective and positive working relationships with pupils’ families, schools and other agencies.
- Enable effective outcomes for our pupils.
The Alternative Provision (AP) academies provide education for mainstream pupils who are not able to access mainstream provision due to medical and health needs and those who have been permanently excluded or are at risk of permanent exclusion or on an intervention basis.
Our Special Academies provide a specialist education for pupils with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
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Contact Info
Springfield Court, Fishleigh Road